Eating Right For Your Scuba Lifestyle


The World’s Best Dive Sites for Women

For those of us who love the water, our bodies are tools. They take us into the depths of the ocean, give us countless adventures, and allow us to lift tanks, people, or other gear. How can we reward our hard-working bodies and stay in the great shape that our lifestyle demands? Here some expert tips.


Eat Breakfast

Tim Ferriss, author of the best-selling book “the Four Hour Body,” is famous for advocating a slow-carb, protein-packed diet, which is the key component of many healthy diet and workout plans.


His go-to breakfast is eggs, spinach, and lentils. This breakfast packs a punch: the eggs contain healthy fats, vitamins, and protein. Lentils are also a source of protein, with an added dose of fiber thrown in. Spinach delivers anti-oxidants, vitamins, and more fiber.


Stay Hydrated

Many divers live in warm environments with plenty of sunlight. This means that we lose water through our skin in the form of sweat. It is essential to drink lots of water through the day. Take your weight in pounds and divide it in half. This is how much water you should drink per day, plus more if you are active or in a sweltering environment, such as out on a boat guiding a dive.


The World’s Best Dive Sites for WomenEat For Your Cycle

Women have different hormones than men circulating through the body. These hormones change during each part of the month, according to your monthly cycle. Women’s health expert Alissa Vitti recommends eating in a way that supports your period and therefore supports your body, energy levels, and overall health. For example, during the last segment of your cycle (which has four parts) she recommends foods such as beets, kale, blackberries, duck, and pork.


Protein and Veggies Are Your Friends

What’s for dinner? Consider serving up veggies and a protein, such as tofu, beans, chicken, or lean beef. Many of the meals in our modern convenience-based diet are carb-rich. These include pasta, rice, and pizza.


Instead of relying on carbs to satiate your hunger, turn to protein and vegetables. They will make you feel full longer and help you get a lean, healthy physique. Carbs tend to be broken down quickly and stored as fat, while veggies and meats are processed in a way that supports fat loss and muscle building.


The scuba lifestyle demands that we have bodies that are strong and energetic. If we want to be up to the task of diving, including all of the training and teamwork that goes into it, we need to be in top shape.


Your diet can help you get or maintain a muscular, lean body. Start the day off right with a nutrient and fiber-rich breakfast. Try eating foods that supports your monthly cycle, and stick to veggies and protein for dinner. Use these tactics most of the time, but every once in a while, break all of the rules and just have fun -- because that’s what this journey is all about. 


By Jennifer Dawson.