

Hello from

SINCE THIS IS OUR FIRST NEWSLETTER OF THE YEAR - Happy 2010 everybody! Whether you are a world traveller or an avid armchair dreamer, we wish each one of you good health, much happiness and a wonderful year of safe, meaningful, exciting journeys. You definitely deserve it.

MISS-SCUBA RED ALERT - This is a huge newsletter filled to the absolute brim with lots of juicy travel information. It's probably one of our largest to date. If you rush through it you'll miss all the good stuff! Click, click, click along the way and we promise you won't be disappointed. We always save some of the best stuff for last.

  • Let's start with some sweet bribes winners from last month and some more bribes to win in this issue
    designer miss scuba thermal

    January Bribe1: if you think a friend will enjoy having a copy of this newsletter, it's easy to do. Just forward it to her and Cc Miss-Scuba in your e-mail. Please include your mailing address in the e-mail. Miss Scuba will send this Amazomite Bead Necklace with Sterling Silver Mermaid Charm to three randomly selected girls ($39 value).

    'WHAT'S IN YOUR BAG' CONTEST - Enter this fun contest and tell us about the one item you won't leave home without! We will choose three lucky winners at random. Each of you will receive a reusable canvas shopping bag that folds into a pouch - perfect for travelling. Please put January Bribe 2 in the subject line and make sure to include your mailing address!
    EDITOR'S NOTE: In our next newsletters we'll compile a listing of all the objects these folks love. Should be interesting reading!

designer miss scuba thermal

Bribe 1 winner from December: Girls have shared some great Travel Tips.
Miss Scuba will send the original Rocker Sheer Thermal to these lucky women:
Valentina Marie Lomborg from Holland, Geraldine Hayes from Tasmania, Australia and Eileen Kenny from Burbank, California.


Bribe 2 winner from December: Some of you told us about your journey, whether it was bad or good, funny or horrible! Miss Scuba will send a chick silver mermaid charm to Vicki Hisaw, Stacie Hill and Andrea Read, all three of them from California.

  • What's New on the Website

    Read GREAT JOURNEYS from California, Bahamas and more here
    My pick this month: A scuba gal walks into a bar and comes out with a vision It started with a question, which sparked my quest to develop a real answer. I had spent the day introducing a friend to the joy of beach diving. As we unwound and shared stories at the local watering hole later, the question was posed "It’s such a hassle to haul all that gear to the water, isn’t there a better way?"...

    miss scuba catalog

    See our latest stunning online catalog HERE!

    My favorite this month:WATERPROOF W1 WETSUIT Waterproof products feature cutting-edge designs and thermal protection technology combined with the highest quality neoprene materials and craftsmanship. The line offers 30 female sizes for an off-the-rack custom fit. It even has a built-in compass on its arm! Zippers on arms and legs help a lot putting the suit on and taking it off. See more dive gear here

    Some great TRAVEL TIPS were sent in this past month. Read them here
    CAT/DOG FOOD PELLETS  1/2 to 1 cup to feed the fish.  It's great because when they are in your BC, they soften slowly and by the time you find the fishes, they will be 'perfect'! (hahaha) and then you get that AWESOME shot with all those fish in it, said Valentina from Holland.

  • What is NEW in the Miss-Scuba Store?

miss scuba jewelry

NEW: Designer Sweater - HIRO

Scoop up warm sexy style. This HIRO design celebrates the feminine side of each strong individual.

Laura Grijalva is an amazing artist with an enviable trajectory working on innumerable motion pictures as a special effects artist. She has teamed up with Miss Scuba to bring you truly magnificent designs for the Miss Scuba Designer line.
Buy it while you can here!

miss scuba apparel

miss scuba jewelry


Brazilian Fresh Water Pearl Bracelet with Sterling Silver Wyland Whale Charm
Wyland has earned the distinction as one of America’s most unique creative influences, and a leading advocate for marine resource conservation. An accomplished painter, sculptor, photographer, writer, and SCUBA diver, he has traveled the farthest reaches of the globe for more than twenty-five years, capturing the raw power and beauty of the undersea universe.
Whale: Power Animal. Symbol of Wisdom, Record Keeper for Eternity. Buy yours while you can here!

  • Where will be the the next Miss-Scuba Ultimate Girls Getaway?

    bonaire ultimate girls getaway trip

    8 day Ultimate Girls Getaway to the Quiet Oasis of Bonaire:
    November 6-13, 2010.
    It is a breathing week in Bonaire, underwater and above water, so you can get back on track, become centered and really do the things that you love; diving, walk barefoot on the beach and spend time with your girl friends.
    5 days (two tank) Boat Diving, 1 day Butterfly Farm Island Tour, Spa Treatment, hotel with breakfast, all taxes and transfers for $1099 Read details here

    We look forward to seeing all your beautiful faces in the nearest future! Miss Scuba will have a booth with the Dive Industry at the Los Angeles Times Travel & Adventure Show February 13-14. If you are in the area come by and say hello!

    Until next time, happy bubbles and safe travels! All the best,

    Szilvia Gogh

    PS: If you are on Facebook, make sure to add to the Miss Scuba Group to get up-to-date information! Also, you can follow us on Twitter: Miss_Scuba.

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